Saturday, November 13, 2010

Leica User Forum Book 2010

For a good cause and I was fortunate enough to have 2 images to be chosen for inclusion... The book is available in hard back from Blurb (link below). A large and very impressive piece of work.

In the Autumn of 2009 [it was] suggested that the talented photographers of the Leica User Forum should collaborate in the production of a photo book for charity. This is the result. The Leica User Forum Charity Book 2010 showcases the work of 101 photographers, in 143 photographs. The subjects – people, landscape, architecture, etc – may vary, but the common thread is the appreciation and use of Leica cameras and lenses.

Everyone who contributed to this book has worked to raise over £10,000 for [the] chosen charity, AICR. Now, by buying it, will help to advance that total still further. Thank you and enjoy.
Bill Palmer

"In many ways, this wonderful international volume mirrors the achievements of AICR which aims to fund the best scientific research, wherever that is in the world."
Norman Barrett, Chief Executive, AICR

"This photo book – the proceeds of which are being donated to the AICR (Association for International Cancer Research) – is an extremely successful illustration of the passion and dedication of a rather special Leica community. It leaves no doubt whatsoever that our customers are the best."
Herr Rudolf Spiller, Chief Executive, Leica Camera AG

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