Sunday, December 05, 2010

Beijing World Art Museum "Leica Insight' Exhibit"

The Beijing World Art Museum (BWAM) held an exhibition "Leica Insight' Exhibit" back in September and October this year (2010).

The exhibition was of several hundred Leica RF cameras, lenses and accessories from the company's inception until today; and a selection of photographs from Leica photographers (both amateurs and professionals), with about 300-400 photographs in total.

BWAM published two books, one about Leica RF equipment and another with all photographs included in the exhibit "Through Leica Lenses" (240+ pages), however, both in Chinese

I was fortunate enough to have 6 of my images included, covering pages 130 to 135 presented here...

Above left was taken in Medan in Sumatera, Indonesia. This guy was a grave digger I came across while wandering around a local Mosque there. He had never worked out and this body was purely from hard manual labour.

The girl on the right was one of thousand of squatters who were living along the Manila to Bicol rail line in Manila. Born into a life of poverty with no chance of escape. What may not be obvious in this shot is the you see almost 100% of the door. Not even high enough for a child to stand.

The two on the left were taken in Bangalore, Southern India. It had been my first trip to India - although I had had visas 3 times before (work) but never got there - and it was 5 days for work. Sunday night into Bangalore for 2 days of meetings, Tuesday night flight to Chennai, meetings morning and afternoon with a continuing flight to New Delhi for Thursday and Friday before returning to Singapore Friday evening. And with all of this, I managed to shoot in every city.

These two shots in Bangalore were taken well before breakfast. Before I arrived I used Google Maps - satellite view - to determine where from my hotel was quickly accessible and appeared to be interesting based on the building layouts.

The right hand side is in the John Bull pub in Beijing. A frequent place I used to visit for a beer after work while I was based there over 2003 and 2004. In China I always carried a camera everywhere...

The last shot above is again Beijing. Taken at dusk in the Chaoyang District - north of the city centre - these guys were workers waiting for their transport back to their living quarters. My Mandarin was very rough but enough to have a broken chat with them. It took me around 20 minutes of my broken Chinese before they just ignored me while I photographed.

Finally, I would like to thank Youxin Ye, a Boston based Leica repair guy for facilitating the opportunity to participate in this exhibition. Without him it would not have happened...

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